Producing each Lesson is a multi-step production process. Obviously, it involves creating, testing, and rehearsing each Lesson, but it also requires coordinating a LOT of schedules!
This month we filmed FOUR Lessons!!!!!!! WARRIOR Rhythm 12, WARRIOR Kids Bonus 1, WARRIOR Strength 11, and WARRIOR Kids 2! But we were READY for it. In fact, we produced some of our best content yet! I will include some BTS footage. I hope you enjoy. And, as always, thanks for supporting us by reading our emails and loving our formats! Ellen
This story isn’t about me…
…it’s about that stool I’m sitting on in the pic. It’s about not only making do with what we have, but being creative and joyful in doing so! Part 1 REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE I needed a stool. Amazon had a perfectly serviceable one I could have ordered and had delivered the same week for under $100. SO tempting. But there was an old work stool languishing in our backyard. My husband Tom had gotten it from a rental yard where he used to work back in early 2000. They were getting rid of it because it was OLD then and had probably been in their machine shop since the 80s. Tom hates to see things get thrown away when they still have life in them, so he brought it home. I wish I had a “before” picture of that stool. Tom offered to refurbish this cast-off for me. How sweet! Now, Tom is a highly skilled professional carpenter, however he is NOT a furniture guy. There was a lot of carpenter cussing (the most colorful kind) in the workshop while he disassembled, refinished and rebuilt this thing. It took a few months, but in the end we think it is quite beautiful in a steampunk sort of way. Part 2 I needed a nice, sturdy, high stool for two important reasons: 1) My day job has me sitting in front of a laptop with two monitors 8 hours a day/5 days a week. Sitting low and looking up at my second monitor was killing my neck. OUCH. A high stool allows me to look at my big monitor straight on while gazing downward at my laptop screen. Along with my adjustable desk, this one-of-a-kind stool is literally saving my neck. 2) WARRIORS, you already know how exceptionally accessible WARRIOR Strength and WARRIOR Rhythm are as exercise formats. I wanted this stool so I could confidently demonstrate off-the-floor sun salutations and flows when teaching. This “prop” had been so fun to add in to my classes! Next time you “need” a new thing, I challenge you to take a more thorough look around you and, changing your perspective perhaps, see if you already HAVE it! Maybe that old thing just needs a little love and attention and it will be just exactly what you need. Dear yoga practice,
Thank you for accepting me the way I am. Thank you for asking me to breathe just a little slower and deeper. Thank you for opening my heart and mind and challenging me to grow in ways that I otherwise would not. Thank you for not judging me when I loose my balance or feel bored or lose focus. Because of you I’m learning how to accept my body’s flaws and limitations. I am more grateful about life. |
ElleNEllen de Werd is the creator of WARRIOR Rhythm™ and WARRIOR Strength™. Inspired by global interest in her format, Ellen opened the WARRIOR Instructor Academy. Archives
February 2025
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