One of the things I like to share with my monthly online challenge groups is that I know what it is to be overweight. Trapped in my body. ANGRY with myself but taking my frustration out on others 😢. I know what it feels like to think "There is something wrong with me: I can't stop eating." I know what it is like to think about food from the second I wake up to the second I go to bed. To want my next meal as soon as I finish the one I'm on. I ALSO know what it feels like to find sweet relief by barfing in a toilet all day; and for that toilet to become more important that any relationship in my life. I know what it feels like to become thin and beautiful in the worlds eyes in devastating, unhealthy ways that leave a soul depleted of ANY semblance of joy, but rather full of a thick, weighty, hollow chronic ache.
God saved me. I asked Him to for a very long time. And He finally did, over 20 years ago. He used many things, like a hospital and nutrition counseling but he broke my eating disorders back when I became unexpectedly pregnant at 21. The picture on the left is me at 17. Massive athlete who couldn't stop eating. Dropped to 92 awful pounds. Today, age 42, far from perfect, HAPPY IN MY BODY, Probably 140 pounds which is where my body likes to be. (I rarely ever get on a scale). My heart for these two decades has been so soft towards those who struggle in their own hell. I can share solutions that worked for me and share my HOPE. And I work with people online. One life...don't waste it.
ElleNEllen de Werd is the creator of WARRIOR Rhythm™ and WARRIOR Strength™. Inspired by global interest in her format, Ellen opened the WARRIOR Instructor Academy. Archives
February 2025
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