I have so much to stay about workout wear best practices.
1. Preselect. Choosing your outfit the night before sets you up for showing up! 2. Fit. Comfortable, functional product is a must. Is it the right bra support? Is it warm/cool enough? Does the fabric allow full movements? Is it breathable? Fast drying? 3. Style. Feeling like you look good is motivating. This is SO true that when clients tell me they are in a fitness slump I’ve been known to recommend a new outfit. The Align short is a wardrobe staple for me. But the Wunder Train Crop and the Leg 🦵🏽 Warmers made a debut appearance today. The top fit like a 🧤 and the leg warmers never slid down. Big workout wardrobe win. What are your staple items? And have you added any fun new products lately?
Stuck, discouraged or intimidated about teaching virtual? If I can do it- you can do it!! As you all know, the fitness landscape has changed forever. Mandated studio closures are back on the rise. It’s never been more important to be relevant. Fit pros unwilling to adapt (which can be an indication of victim mindset) lost their impact and even their jobs. Those who stepped up and got uncomfy, increased their reach and demand! Leaders, let’s not horde our knowledge. Let’s SHARE so we can ALL win, level up and serve our communities and the entire world with quality, online GroupX classes. #abundance Here to help. And here to learn. I’m thinking about putting together an organized 3-part curriculum for my staff and my WARRIOR fam (even though I have some trainings already on YouTube): 1) What to buy 2) How to do it 3) Best practices for teaching online Would that be valuable to you?
I was born in the south; Corpus Christi, Texas. I loved the humid nights, Cicada sounds wafting rhythmically through unlocked screen doors...my grandma’s fig tree that crawled with little chameleons...smiley people and the way folks would “reckon it was yonder”. I grew up in the midwest: Chicago, Illinois. It overwhelmed and scared me, mostly. Honking horns, pompous sky scrapers and wind chills. Dirty snow piles from salt ruined cars- ugly like the laughter from school kids making fun of me for my hand-me-downs, my too -loud- laugh and my teenage weight gain. I loved the Cubs and Bears and Bulls and the art museum but wound up (rather successfully) stopping eating for a few horrific years. I landed in the Pacific Northwest where I planted my feet and felt the roots grow underneath them. I love the mountains and the ocean. This is where my soul took its shoes off, and squished its toes into the sand. It caught it’s breathe and slowly exhaled. My children. My husband. This photo reminds me of where I’ve been and how far I’ve come and how thankful I am for it ALL. Above all I’m thankful for my faith -that was with me like a stowaway hidden in every suitcase- and the way it tucks me into my covers at night whether I’m afraid, sad or on top of the world. |
ElleNEllen de Werd is the creator of WARRIOR Rhythm™ and WARRIOR Strength™. Inspired by global interest in her format, Ellen opened the WARRIOR Instructor Academy. Archives
February 2025
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